5 year old horses: 3 x 2019 Elite Frozen Foals stallions place in the top 5

Sezuan the triple World Champion, is certianly making his mark on the dressage breeding world stage. His son, stallion Secret having convincingly won the 5 year old qualification, appeared the hot favourite to win the 5 year old title.

Ridden by Jessica Lynn Thomas, the sleek stallion has become a media sensation and certainly made a lasting impression in the final for the 5 year old horses.  Maria Schwennesen commented on behalf of the jury: “What a fabulous horse, always fluid, always soft. When you can match so much power, relaxation and softness together then you must be on a winning streak. This test had so much to appreciate and so much to enjoy. It is truly a pleasure to judge such high quality.”

His Fabulous trot scored 9.4, his walk with a hugh overtrack but lacking a little freedom in the shoulder, scored a 9. His uphill and powerful canter was described as simply “wow” and rewarded with a 10. The perspective was also rewarded a 10, and a 9.8 for submission. With a total score of 9.64 he seemed the certain winner. However Andres Helgstrand followed Secret riding KWPN stallion Jovian (Apache x Johnson TN). The judge opened the commentary with the feedback saving the scores to the end. His walk which could be more swinging and open in the back scored an 8.8, and then what followed was nothing short of impressive, ” The trot with so much spring and suspension and even with the long airtime, matched front and back. The canter was well balanced uphill and fluent”.  Andreas and Jovian, who displayed pure self carriage and suppleness were rewarded with 4 x10s! and a total score of 9.66……a mere 0.02 ahead of Secret.

Valverde (Vitalis x Ampere) produced a super test scoring 10 for his walk, and a total of 9.22, placing him 4th behind Andres Helgstrand’s second mount Queenparks Wendy also by Sezuan out of a Blue Hors Soprano mare.

Springbank II VH, the 4th Helgstrand Dressage horse in the top 5, produced a much improved test in the final. Springbank II VH scored 9.5 for Canter and Perspective, 9.3 for his trot, 9 for submission, 8.6 for walk and a total score of 9.18.

Jessica Lynn Thomas & Secret


Qualifikation der Fünfjährigen – Secret

Kein Geheimnis machten Jessica Lynn Thomas und ihr Deutsches Sportpferd DSP – Süddt. Pferdezuchtverbände Secret (v. Sezuan x St. Moritz Z.: Hubert Vogler) aus ihrer Überlegenheit im Viereck!🤩Die beiden siegten in der Qualifikation zum Finale der Fünfjährigen Dressurpferde bei den Longines FEI WBFSH World Breeding Dressage Championships for Young Horses!Samstag geht's dann im Finale um den Titel!Ihr könnt natürlich LIVE dabei sein!!!🎥▶️watch.clipmyhorse.tv/World-Breeding-Championships-YH2019

Posted by ClipMyHorse.TV Deutschland on Friday, 2 August 2019