Sir Heinrich

Breed: Oldenburg

Colour: Chestnut

Height: 165 cm

Born: 2008

WFFS: Free

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Exclusive to EFF

Sir Heinrich OLD is full-brother to national champion Cindy OLD and OL-victory mare Candy OLD.

He was licensed within NRW- main licensing in Münster and finished his 70-days test in 2011 in Neustadt/Dosse with a total mark of 8.5, whereas his dressage weighted mark was 8.99 and therefore the year’s second best result.

After he won the Oldenburger Landeschampionat in 2012, he became vice-champion in national championships of four years old stallions. At national championships in 2013 he won convincingly his qualification class of five years-old dressage horses, in the finals he saved the silver medal with a scoring of 8.6 in his age group.

Sir Heinrich OLD represented the German colors as a five and six years-old in world championships of young dressage horses in Verden. He can show victories in elementary and medium level dressage tests for young horses as well as in advanced level dressage tests (S*). His sport horses career’s highlight was certainly the victory in national championships of six years-old dressage horses in 2014 with a total score of 8.7 in the finals.

On the occasion of the Oldenburg Stallion Days 2016 he was awarded VTV-Dressage Stallion of the year.

Sir Donnerhall ISandro HitSandro Song
Elite St. Loretta
St.Pr.St. Contenance DDonnerhall
Contenance II
St.Pr.St. C´est bonFürst HeinrichFlorestan I
St.Pr.St. CosimaRubinstein I
St.Pr.St. Cancellaresca


Exclusive to EFF

Sir Heinrich OLD is full-brother to national champion Cindy OLD and OL-victory mare Candy OLD.

He was licensed within NRW- main licensing in Münster and finished his 70-days test in 2011 in Neustadt/Dosse with a total mark of 8.5, whereas his dressage weighted mark was 8.99 and therefore the year’s second best result.

After he won the Oldenburger Landeschampionat in 2012, he became vice-champion in national championships of four years old stallions. At national championships in 2013 he won convincingly his qualification class of five years-old dressage horses, in the finals he saved the silver medal with a scoring of 8.6 in his age group.

Sir Heinrich OLD represented the German colors as a five and six years-old in world championships of young dressage horses in Verden. He can show victories in elementary and medium level dressage tests for young horses as well as in advanced level dressage tests (S*). His sport horses career’s highlight was certainly the victory in national championships of six years-old dressage horses in 2014 with a total score of 8.7 in the finals.

On the occasion of the Oldenburg Stallion Days 2016 he was awarded VTV-Dressage Stallion of the year.

Sir Donnerhall ISandro HitSandro Song
Elite St. Loretta
St.Pr.St. Contenance DDonnerhall
Contenance II
St.Pr.St. C´est bonFürst HeinrichFlorestan I
St.Pr.St. CosimaRubinstein I
St.Pr.St. Cancellaresca